Viki and Viber help TV viewers share their passion

Now every swoon, gasp or tear can be shared with the tap of a screen.

In September last year, international video streaming platform Viki partnered with fellow Rakuten Group company Viber, the free voice and messaging app, to create an exclusive sticker pack and Public Account where fans could discuss their favorite TV shows and show moments. Since the launch date, the sticker pack has been downloaded by over 400,000 Viber users while over 304,000 users have followed the Viki Public Chat (truly staggering numbers!). With an international fan base, Viki removes both language and cultural barriers, uniting fans over a common passion.

1. We love chatting about TV shows

It’s no coincidence that Viki has been one of Viber’s fastest growing Public Accounts. In an eight-week period, the Viki Public Account garnered 821,203 views and 158,609 likes! In more simple terms, someone opened and engaged with the Public Account every six seconds! These numbers show the strong sense of community that the Viki Public Account offers to fans who love discussing their favorite shows.

Rakuten group companies Viki and Viber collaborate

2. We want to share the things that resonate with us

Viki TV’s sticker pack allows Viber users to express themselves to their closest friends and family. In fact, over 350,000 Viki stickers are shared a week by our users! Each sticker illustrates a common but distinct experience we have when watching our favorite shows and movies. For instance, the pack’s most used sticker depicts a cartoon girl with hearts surrounding her. Users can use the sticker to spread the love to their friends in moments such as when their favorite fictional couple finally get together! Sometimes, stickers capture the moment better than words can.

3. TV dramas and movies unite us more that we think

Viki does an incredible job bringing people from different walks of life together. Viki’s TV dramas and movies are largely sourced from Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan. Yet, it’s fascinating that the top five places Viki Public Chat followers originate from are the US, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Belgium. These five nationalities alone make up over 66% of Viki’s Public Chat followers! What’s more, is that the 60 participants leading the Public Chat are fans themselves from all over the world. Viber not only connects individuals through its messaging and call features, but its Public Chats serve as a global platform connecting individuals over a shared passion.

Rakuten group companies Viki and Viber collaborate

We all know TV shows and movies are one of the best ways to de-stress after a busy day. That’s why Viber and Viki have come together to bring the good vibes to you. The next time you’re struggling to express your emotions while watching a TV show, try using the Viki sticker pack. Likewise, if you want to join in on this amazing community, the Viki Public Account is right at your fingertips!

Based on a post that was originally published on the Viber blog. Viber and Viki are Rakuten Group companies.

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