Rakuten Mobile and Ligado Networks to collaborate on 5G mobile private networks

With the launch of 5G networks around the world, more and more customers are set to enjoy the unprecedented mobile speeds and ultra-low latency they bring. However, 5G doesn’t only promise to transform the way individuals work and connect; some of the most innovative use cases for the next generation of communications will come from enterprises leveraging 5G mobile private networks.

Mobile private networks play a vital role in society, connecting critical industries, such as farming, energy, logistics and public utilities. And soon, Rakuten Mobile’s software-centric, Open RAN-based mobile technology stack will begin powering 5G mobile private networks of the future.

Rakuten Mobile recently announced a collaboration with Ligado Networks, a network operator of mobile satellite services (MSS) to government and commercial customers across North America, to deploy the company’s innovative Rakuten Communications Platform (RCP) in a trial 5G private network.

Combining our know-how and licensed L-Band spectrum in the U.S. with RCP, we will create a novel blueprint for delivering new efficiencies to U.S. companies looking to deploy powerful mobile private networks that are highly secure and ultra-reliable.

Doug Smith, President and CEO at Ligado Networks

For Ligado’s 5G mobile private networks to deliver continuity of coverage, local computer and connectivity integration, and greater control and security, the company is looking to Rakuten Mobile’s RCP as the engine for its private networks. RCP will provide Ligado with the best of Rakuten Mobile’s network design, which combines the latest technology in virtualization and automation, including containers and microservices, and disaggregated radio access network. Rakuten Mobile’s IT industry approach will allow Ligado to achieve economies of scale without needing to acquire purpose-built hardware, and to deploy RCP on a pure cloud architecture.

5G mobile private networks running on Rakuten Mobile’s network design

The collaboration aims to accelerate the delivery of mobile private networks through the use of open 5G stack. RCP combines the proven technologies and expert playbook of Rakuten Mobile and its world-class partners. It offers enterprises a way to easily build and deploy fully cloud native network services at speed and low cost. “5G brings ultra-low latency and ultra-high bandwidth enabling unprecedented experiences and services, as well as unique applications in private networks,” commented Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile.

“We are very excited to offer RCP as the foundation for a next-generation of communications infrastructure for enterprises.”

– Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile
Doug Smith, President and CEO at Ligado Networks, sees 5G private mobile networks as crucial to industries.
Doug Smith, President and CEO at Ligado Networks, sees 5G private mobile networks as crucial to industries.

Ligado’s approach to 5G mobile private networks – which runs on dedicated mid-band spectrum and offers both satellite and terrestrial connectivity – will give customers the scale of a public network and the security and customization of a private one. The company’s licensed L-band spectrum in the United States – the segment of radio spectrum in the 1-2 gigahertz (GHz) frequency range – supports enterprises by building mobile networks that meet their requirements for availability, coverage and flexibility for indoor and outdoor deployments.

“5G mobile private networks are becoming critical infrastructure for many industries,” added Doug Smith, President and CEO at Ligado Networks. “Combining our know-how and licensed L-Band spectrum in the U.S. with RCP, we will create a novel blueprint for delivering new efficiencies to U.S. companies looking to deploy powerful mobile private networks that are highly secure and ultra-reliable.”

RCP: A blueprint for the future of enterprise connectivity

Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile, sees RCP as a building block for next-gen communication.
Tareq Amin, CTO of Rakuten Mobile, sees RCP as a building block for next-gen communication.

For 5G mobile private networks, Ligado’s vision is to offer connectivity dedicated to its enterprise customers, allowing an enterprise to manage the connectivity of its people and things. In collaboration with Rakuten Mobile, the companies will define a strategy that leverages RCP for a jointly developed 5G mobile private network solution. The companies will collaborate with Ligado’s enterprise customers to develop the final technology stack and a launch of the 5G mobile private network offering.

Amin added, “We are very excited to offer RCP as the foundation for a next-generation of communications infrastructure for enterprises.”

From farming to manufacturing, to logistics and beyond, RCP can empower enterprises to catapult their digital transformation journey.

For more about how Rakuten is revolutionizing the mobile industry, visit here.

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